'Back to The Origin' is a camping trip organized by the IMU's Muslim Society or M'Soc for short.It was held in Rebutia Camping site, in Gombak and seriously i can't believe my self joining this camping!!!
We left IMU around 5.30pm (which supposed to be at 5.00 pm) on 25.4.08 which is last Friday. According to the program's tentative, we should be arriving around 6 but because of the heavy traffic that day we arrived quite late, around 6.45 pm.
Many of us went for the evening bath before maghrib prayer, but not me, hehehe.
The reason is that, i usually take all my time in the bathroom and since the toilet was so crowded, i can't barely breath in there that evening. So, i just washed my face and took my Wuduk' there.
Then we went for Maghrib Prayer and guess what, i been chosen to 'azan' that evening. Oh My God! Seriously it's the first time i azan after a longggggggg time ago in sekolah agama! Lamakan?!!!
As for the night, we had dinner after maghrib and an opening speech by Wong and Hakim, Adam sekali kot. After isyak prayer we proceed with ice breaking session. The target for the camping is to know the junior better, but there were only 2 boys junior who joined the camp, so the ice breaking session is quite kelakar since almost every one knows one and another.
We all sleep around 11.00 kot! because we have the Qiamullail the next subuh!
The next day tu, pagi2 Qiammullail, subuh and breakfast kot!
During the morning, we have the LDK session, ok lah with thw campak kera and all, plus kisah che naz bersaudara semua...huhuhu
Then, we all ada war game with the theme 'patuh kepada ketua' and ramai org tak puas hati pasal game ni especialy boys! huhuhu...
Later in the morning ada jungle tracking which originally it wasn't in the planned. The path and the journey to the Sungai Pisang was fun except the part when we all been 'forced' to 'merendam dlm lumpur yg coklat tue'. There's go my new shoe! huhuhu...
After returned from the jungle tracking tu, mestilah i clean my self, zohor and then lunch( tak ingat jugak mana satu sequence nya). Then we had our 2nd LDK, which i like the 2nd part of it where everyone is given a paper with other people name and everyone take turn to write first impression of the person, his good deed and his bad attitude. Majority of the people there got 3 papers and i ot only 1, tak syok betul!
After Asar, we had a slaughtering sessions, and of course i didn't slaughter the chickens, takutlah!
So, i just mentibuk-nyibuk jer from place to place, hehehehe...we have our dinner after Isyak plus the performances from the groups.
Later during the night, ada night walk. We were blind folded and ask to walk in the bushes with only holding a rope as a guide and there were 4 checkpoints if i'm not mistaken! since many of the facilitator are our frenz, so ramai lah yg loyar buruk kan! plus the sound of muzik, seriously tak berapa takut sgt! my group was the first one to go and the first one to finish and we all sleep around 2 am, at least for the boys! huhuhu...
Yeah last day!!!!!!!!!!
well, pagi mcm biasalah kan and around 9.30 ada kuliah sikit from ustaz and seriously this talk open my eyes and widen my mind, and seriously it's touch my heart. And the most advise that very attached to me is that 'find your U turn before it's too late'!
then ada treasure hunt, some misunderstanding make the game boring!
then ada feedback session, resolution and balik
After Maghrib the same day,
i felt something odd in my heart and i don't know why suddenly i cried!
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